Charlton, Tony, and Charlotte Panting. "Mobile telephone ownership and usage among 10- and 11-year-olds ." Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties7.3 (2002): 152-163. Web. 27 May 2011. <>.
This article was unique within my findings because Charlton and Panting concluded that kids of ages 10 and 11 were actually found to be socially excluded if they did not own a cellphone. Although most of these students used their cellphones to contact their parents in case of any trouble or emergency, they still reported to be thought less if they in fact did not own a mobile phone.
Dolliver, Mark. "The Age of Teen Texting." MediaWeek 20.17 (2010): 22-22. Web. 13 Apr 2011.
The article investigates the public opinion of teenagers in the U.S. on cell phone use. The poll results showed that 75% of respondents said they owned cell phones. Most teens said that they used text messaging a lot more frequently than actually phone calls. Many also said that they used their cell phones to keep in contact with their parents daily.
In this publication, Grinter explores the idea of teens texting and how it is hurting their grammer skills, as they are shortening everything when texting (notice the title). The study concluded that although teens are texting frequently, usually it's with fewer people than if they were to be speaking face to face.
Harper, Richard. "From teenage life to victorian morals and back: Technological change and teenage life."Knowledge, Technology & Policy 19.1 Web. 26 May 2011. <>.
In this article, Harper argues that mobile phones and texting are eliminating the possibility of teens thinking for themselves or having to figure out things on their own. Text messaging now offers that instant gratification. Harper gives the following example-- before, teens would have to wonder what their friends are doing or where they are. Now with texting and all of this new media, they don't have to worry about that, they virtually have all the information at their fingertips. Overall, the author states that teenagers are now leading lives completely different to those lived by teens in previous generations.
Lenhart, Amanda, and Mary Madden. "Teens and Technology: Youth are leading the transition to a fully wired and mobile nation." Mendeley (2006): n. pag. Web. 27 May 2011. <>.
This article explores teens' use of the internet and mobile devices and how that is affecting them. Going a little bit deeper, the authors explain the correlation between teens' use of the internet and their use of cellphones for text messaging. Teens who are using their phones to text are also using their phones to look up information on the internet.
Pierce, Tamyra. "Social Anxiety and Technology: Face-to-face Communication Versus Technological Communication Among Teens." Computers in Human Behavior 25.6 (2009): 1367-72. Web. 13 Apr 2011.
This study goes into how social anxiety plays a huge role in influencing teens on how they communicate with each other through texting, instant messaging, and online social sites such as Facebook. The study had 280 high school participants. This study also concluded that females used social media to communicate more than males did. Ultimately there is a positive relationship between social anxiety about face to face communication and talking to others through mediums such as Facebook.
Smithfield, . "Put the Phone Away." Valley Breeze & Observer (2011):Web. 13 Apr 2011.
In this article, the author discusses the absence of “cell phone manners” among children/teens. In one particular instance, the author talks about using a cell phone during dinner and recalls an instance when a waiter had to wait until someone finished their text in order to be able to take the person’s order. This article would be useful to my research because it demonstrates how far people go to talk on their cell phones—even if it means completely neglecting a social situation such as a dinner with family and friends.
Srivastava, L.. "Mobile phones and the evolution of social behaviour" Behaviour & Information Technology 24.2 (2005). 14 Apr. 2011
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This article explains the shift of the cell phone from a technological tool to a social object. The author goes on the explain the human and social effects of the cell phone and its overall effect on society. The main argument of the piece is that the invention of the cell phone has had a big impact on social interaction and human identity. I believe this would be great for my research in order to back up my working hypothesis.
Tapscott, Dan. "Grown Up Digital." Economist (2009): Web. 26 May 2011. <>.
I thought this article could be useful to my research because it offers a counter argument to what the rest of my articles have concluded. Tapscott presents the argument that through social media like texting and social networking, this new generation has actually become more social. This new generation, which Tapscott refers to as "Net Geners" have gotten so used to constant and quick, fast-paced communication and do not want to go back anytime soon. The "Net Geners" are very much shed in a positive light, Tapscott even goes so far as to say that they will be changing the world due to the knowledge they have with the fast-paced, constantly changing technology.
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